We are delighted to have you back for this academic session. We have put together a number of innovative additions to ensure that our aimiable parents, students and pupils are morally and academically equipped to actualize their maximum potentials. Feel free to explore our services and kindly get in touch with us for any inquiries. God bless you.
1) To create students of noble characters.
2) To create students who will make positive impact to the society.
3) To form men and women of great and candid legacies for all ages.
4) To produce trust-worthy people in the society.
5) To form courageous people who will stand against the odds in the society.
6) To produce students who will judiciously use their time to develop their talents.
7) To create people with team spirit.
8) To produce students who will always be best in whatever they do.
9) To create student who will always live a lives of integrity and honour.
10)To create role models worthy of emulation.
11)To present people of selfless service to the society.
12)To create people of genuine love for God and humanity.
1) A strong acedmic tradition guided by a broad and standard curriculum.
2) Highly qualified teaching staff with outstanding and exemplary character to serve as models. The staff subject all necessary professional training and workshop.
3) In addition to their primary role, each staff member is responsible for various duties including coaching music, drama, tutoring as well as supporting other campus community needs.
4) A time management & investment techniques for students.
5) Discipline, 24/7 supervision and (loco parentis).
6) Extra curriculum activities such as leadership training skills, human right, life insurance, societal ethics, public speaking, sportsmanship and community development.
7) Great arts programmes, theater, dance, music, fine arts and anytime artistic.
1) The dorms are separated into male & female quarters. Hostels are homely, relaxing , highly secured & well furnished with hostel managers male and female for each dorm.
2) A well furnished refectory & clean water dispenser.
3) Non – stop power supply.
4) Classrooms are equipped with modern teaching facilities, interactive white board and a conducive environment for leaning and creativity.
5) Well equipped health care (sick bay).
6) A furnished computer room with 24 hours internet services to expose students to global knowledge and information.
7) The school has a parents portal which you can use to check your child’s academic progress.
8) Food at school is professionally cooked , quality healthy and balanced food is often served . family style as well as faculty and students sharing a common meal.