DisciplineWe uphold high moral standards for all students at St Gregory's College. We prepare them to be responsible citizens of the country.
HealthOur State-Of-The-Art FirstAid Equipments, as well as high level of hygiene helps ensure your child's total health at St Gregory's College.
Academics Our strong points are in Strict and meticulous academic principles.
Sports With a Serene, sports-friendly Environent, we let the Children explore their talents at several sporting activities.
Social Life The School vicinity is structured to encourage social interaction among each other.
Spirituality We uphold high Christian values and morals from adolescent to adult stages of the Child's development at St Gregory's College.
Our cathering Program helps expose our students to the world of bakery and cooking as it includes but not limited to Baking Cakes, Chin-Chin, Meat pie...
We also have an engine repair programe where our students are taught to maintain and repair sowing machines.
We also have professional Hair stylists educating our student in the beautiful art of Hair styling
St. Gregory's College Amiri is an independent christain school on a beautiful large acre campus: A school with varieties of experience with a mission to provide excellence in college preparatory education, affirm the gifts and challenge the potentials of each student and encourage students to honour God through christ-like characters.
Parents' and guardians' reviews are the best indicator of our success.